Our Odyssey

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ben's Three Questions

Tonight we pulled into an RV park just off the I10 north of Houston. We are aiming for Waco tomorrow, so we haven't unhitched the minivan or unpacked much at all. After we pulled in, Will and Ben walked the dogs and then took a spin in a paddleboat on the pond next to our RV site. I got on the internet right away, checking our route since our GPS stopped functioning in New Orleans, and looking at weather reports. There is a storm headed our way, so Will decided to empty the tanks before dinner.
Busy night. I asked Ben to prepare dinner, because I was still trying out a few alternate routes on Google maps.
"Ben, will you please open a can of corn and a can of green beans?"
Question #1: "OK. Do we have a can opener?"
"Um, what? You've been living in this RV for four months. Do you think we'd be here without a can opener?"
"Oh right. Never mind."
Ben begins opening the can of beans. Question #2: "So what are these for anyway?"
"What are the beans and corn for? Really? Well, the dogs aren't going to eat them, and it's almost dinner time. What do you think?"
"Oh yeah. Never mind."
I asked Ben to put the beans and corn into bowls and microwave them, and to heat up a bowl of leftover pasta bolognese.
Question #3: "So, is this all we're eating tonight - canned food and leftovers?"
Still haven't quite figured out how to answer that one...

1 comment:

  1. d'oh.
    Ben ben ben *shakes head*
    Haha what a silly boy!
