Our Odyssey

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Thanksgiving morning - Maggie climbed on the bed and kept trying to sneak a paw onto Anne. Anne didn't want Maggie lying on her right then, but Maggie kept trying. I got up to get the camera, and the situation soon devolved into this: all three little dogs climbing onto Anne, and Bodie doing his best to join the crowd.

Shortly after Ben showed up and climbed in, Anne having succumbed to the inevitable.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Three Stooges Do America

This journey has been marked by slapstick from the very first day. Will pulled the RV up our driveway to begin loading a year’s worth of clothes and books and dishes and bedding from the garage. I went into the house to talk with Laney, who was going to be renting our house for the year. After Will moved in a few loads he decided to make the bed. Suddenly he felt a lurch and the RV began rolling back down the driveway. He raced to the front of the RV and pulled on the brake just as it was rolling into the street.

I looked out the living room window as the RV began to roll by and idly wondered why Will was moving it. Was it not close enough to the garage? Why didn’t he ask for my help in reversing? I wandered outside and saw Will gripping the wheel tightly, eyes wide. That was the last time he forgot to put it into gear when parking.

Bodie, of course, has been the source of much of our slapstick. Every time we go for a walk he manages to wrap himself around someone. Once he pulled me straight out of the RV, missing all three steps, when he was in a hurry to get outside. Ben is wakened most mornings by Bodie landing on the bed next to him and then flopping his head – as big as Ben’s own – onto Ben's chest. Bodie sleeps at the foot of our bed and when I have to get up during the night, which I invariably do at least once, I have to step over him. This startles him, even when I try to warn him I’m coming, and he jumps up and runs toward the kitchen. But he jumps up between my legs, and he is tall, so I end up riding Bodie halfway down the hallway most nights.

The most recent incident (besides the nightly Bodie rides) was in New Orleans. Ben needed to get something from the car after dark, so he grabbed a flashlight and headed out the door. We heard a crash and Ben started yelling for us. Will and I jumped out of the bed – luckily Bodie had already headed for the door – and ran to see what had happened. Ben was rolling on the ground, holding on to his leg. I saw that the RV steps had not come down, which they should do automatically when the door opens.

I jumped down from the doorway and knelt next to Ben. I felt his legs and arms and decided quickly that he had not broken anything. As I pulled him up, my bare feet began to burn horribly and I realized that I had stepped into a fire ant nest. I hopped from foot to foot as I pulled him inside. In the RV, Will cleaned his wounds and plastered him with band-aids. I tried to help, but kept yelping as I discovered more fire ants crawling on my feet, continuing to bite. Almost a week later, I still have a dozen blisters on my feet that itch constantly.

Are you wondering why Ben didn’t notice that the stairs were missing? Particularly as he was carrying a flashlight? I wondered that too. I asked him why he hadn’t used the flashlight to see the stairs, or lack of stairs in this case. He said that he wasn’t looking at the stairs because he was looking around for (I’m not making this up) “rabid squirrels and grenades”.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ben's Three Questions

Tonight we pulled into an RV park just off the I10 north of Houston. We are aiming for Waco tomorrow, so we haven't unhitched the minivan or unpacked much at all. After we pulled in, Will and Ben walked the dogs and then took a spin in a paddleboat on the pond next to our RV site. I got on the internet right away, checking our route since our GPS stopped functioning in New Orleans, and looking at weather reports. There is a storm headed our way, so Will decided to empty the tanks before dinner.
Busy night. I asked Ben to prepare dinner, because I was still trying out a few alternate routes on Google maps.
"Ben, will you please open a can of corn and a can of green beans?"
Question #1: "OK. Do we have a can opener?"
"Um, what? You've been living in this RV for four months. Do you think we'd be here without a can opener?"
"Oh right. Never mind."
Ben begins opening the can of beans. Question #2: "So what are these for anyway?"
"What are the beans and corn for? Really? Well, the dogs aren't going to eat them, and it's almost dinner time. What do you think?"
"Oh yeah. Never mind."
I asked Ben to put the beans and corn into bowls and microwave them, and to heat up a bowl of leftover pasta bolognese.
Question #3: "So, is this all we're eating tonight - canned food and leftovers?"
Still haven't quite figured out how to answer that one...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Target Practice

On Friday, me and mom’s friend Brian went to a firing range in west Virginia, a new state for me! The entire experience was very exciting to me, since I had never shot a real gun before in my life. I enjoyed myself very much and every single part of it was exciting to me. I would like to thank Brian for taking me and teaching me how to shoot the different guns. Even the trip to the firing range was exciting, especially the end, with the terrifyingly curvy roads. Once again, thank you very much Brian.

We left around 9 o’clock and were immediately on the road, with a good breakfast of mini wheats in my stomach. We were short on some of our different kinds of ammo and I had no sound-blocking earmuffs, so we stopped at a Wal-mart to pick up said equipment. We arrived in the sporting goods section to find that their ammo cases were dry of the 30-30 bullets that we so craved. We left the store empty-handed and vowed vengeance as we left. Our next encounter with a Wal-mart would hopefully be more successful than the last.
And it was. We picked up ammo, sound-blocking goggles, and some extra targets for good measure, then were back on the road, sun blazing on our backs. Brian showed me some of his favorite music (and good music it was) as we drove through the beautiful state of Virginia. After a while of driving on highways, we hit a beautiful mountain road that twisted and turned. Soon we hit the west Virginia state line and 30 minutes later, we were in the firing range, unpacking our guns (only one other guy was there, and he had a beautiful muzzle-loading .50-caliber rifle)
We set up our targets, checked our guns and loaded clips. I was ready to take my first shot.

I sighted down my scope, aimed for the middle and took my shot. Up and to the left. This pattern continued, and I slowly corrected the lens. I put one of the green and black targets right on top of the other one ad took my first shot. Right through the middle. I finally had the rifle sighted in correctly. I finished the clip and set the rifle down. I tried some shots with the pistol, got some in the target.

After some time with the pistol and a few shots with the 30-30 rifle while Brian blew up some plastic targets with his revolver pistol. We finished up and packed up, put it all in the car and began the return home. On the way home, we saw an awesome swarm of bats fly overhead. We got some very late lunch and came home. I enjoyed my time on the firing range with Brian and when we see Brian again, I would love to do this again. When we got home, mom and will were at a party, so we chilled awhile.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The High Water Mark

Yesterday, Will and I went and visited the battle of Gettysburg. It was a very interesting and strategically important battle due to the fact that Lee committed so much of his forces to a daring attack, which was called Pickett’s charge. Some people believe that if this attack had succeeded, and Lee’s army had broken through the line, then it could have been a completely different war. That is why people call this spot the high water mark of the Confederacy. And, while that may be the namesake for my story, that is not all that happened at Gettysburg that day.

The view the Iron Brigade saw as the Confederates advanced toward them. (The barn on the right was present during this battle)

On the first day, a single Union cavalry brigade arrived in Gettysburg, scouting out for the Confederate forces that had been following the Union army on the other side of a mountain range. Soon enough, on the day after they had deployed, Confederate forces began to stream in from Chambersburg. After some intense fighting, the unions reinforcements, the iron brigade, finally arrived. The iron brigade were some of the Unions crack troops. They were allowed to wear their own special hats as opposed to the regular ones that the regular Union foot troops would wear.

On Little Round Top, looking toward the Confederate assault on the second day on the left flank of the Union army.

On the second day, both full armies arrived and set up. The Union had their forces set up in a fishhook, with their right flank, facing north, being the tip and their left flank, facing south, would be tied to the line. The Confederacy, meanwhile, made a line that matched theirs, but instead of having the valuable hill cover that the Union had gotten, they had occupied Gettysburg as the center of their fishhook. That day, Lee ordered General Ewell to begin to attack the Union right, while General Longstreet attacked the Union left, battling them on the round tops.

The stone wall Confederate troops stormed over, led by General Armistead, and held briefly at the apex of Pickett's charge.

After these attacks had failed, General Lee decided to attack the Union center, after the Union army had reinforced both of their flanks. He sent in general Pickett, with 12,000 men on a mile-wide attack to the Union center. The Union defenders were only 7,000 strong, but they had the advantage of being able to fire their guns more than once, because the Confederates were on the charge, so they couldn’t after some intense fighting, the confederates finally broke through, but within minutes, they were pushed back out of the union line. This was a devastating blow to Lee’s army.

The Custer memorial, at the East Cavalry Field, a rarely visited but significant cavalry battle on the final day at Gettysburg.

The overall outcome of the battle was the end of Lee’s second campaign. Many believe that the battle of Gettysburg was one of the many deciding factors of the civil war. This is so because Lee’s massive army of northern Virginia had gotten considerably mauled during the battle of Gettysburg. Today was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed learning more about this battle and finally getting to see the battle for myself. I had heard so much about it, but I couldn’t have imagined just how awesome the real experience of being there was. Thanks so much Will!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

At the Engens

We spent the evening with Heather and Dwight, as well as Danny and his wife Amy. We had Heather's Macaroni and Cheese, and lots of conversation while Ben and the kids did various things with Lego and more.