Our Odyssey

Friday, October 23, 2009

New York City without my boys

I took the train from Washington DC to New York City this afternoon. The boys dropped me off at Union Station and then went to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. It was fun to be in the car with Ben as he saw the Lincoln Memorial for the first time, then the Washington Memorial, the Federal Reserve, the Capital Building and so on as we made our way to the train station. We will be visiting all of these places next week, when we are staying with a friend in Arlington, closer to the city than the campsite we are in right now.

Now we are over 30 miles outside the city, in Manassas. Yes, a significant Civil War site, in case you are wondering.

To be accurate, the *boys* are 30 miles outside the city. I am in the heart of Manhattan, at Le Parker Meridien. "Just steps away from Central Park, MOMA,Carnegie Hall, Broadway theaters and Fifth Avenue's famous shops." Not that I'll get to see any of that, because this is a working weekend.

I'm in a room bigger than the entire RV, with a huge bed and plasma TV and mini-bar and a big desk to spread my work out on (luxury!). But the best thing is...a big bathtub!

It has been way too long since I had a chance to soak. Since we left Mom and Dad's farm over a month ago, actually. Hydrotherapy! No need for counseling or drugs or meditation or yoga if I can just have a long, hot soak in a tub or hot tub on a regular basis. Really.

When I got in, I picked up Thai take-away next door, then unpacked and checked in with Abi (who is a bit sick) and the boys in their Man Cave. Hopefully they will write about their experiences in the Man Cave, as they are calling the RV in my absence, at a later time.

Screen-grab from my Skype conversation with the boys in the Man Cave

After I ate, I had a verrrry long bath and now I am sprawled out on the bed - so much for the terrific desk - doing some last minute reading for my meetings tomorrow and Sunday.

It is very luxurious and spacious and clean. I can't see a dog hair ANYWHERE. Although I probably could if I looked at my clothes carefully.

But I miss my dirty, loud boys and dogs. And I have been missing Abi so ferociously that it is a physical sensation. I guess I'll grab some whiskey from the mini-bar and drown my sorrows. Here's looking at you, kid.


  1. Aww...missing people is no fun. But in the meantime, glad you had a little time to luxuriate.

  2. Haha, great post momma!!! I miss you too :( :( Like the chickens! It's good to see a pic of the man cave xD I still want a post with more details though!
